This is the most exciting time of year in the shop!  Daily we are receiving boxes of amazing fruits and are so inspired by the beautiful produce in the shop for you to choose from!

There’s nothing quite like a beautifully, perfectly ripe raspberry or a crunchy cherry at the peak of it’s juicy deliciousness!

Our first delivery of stone fruits came in this week; apricots, peaches and nectarines, signally that summer is REALLY with us!  Plus our wonderful early season cherries, of course!  Don’t miss out on the season’s best, come and see us this weekend!

Good news re our popular Ikebana vase: more coming soon for Christmas!

Take advantage of our new summer hours too – we are open till 5.30pm every day now.

Apricot news

Venus apricot season report: normally available just before Christmas; this year the crop is low volume, so we better make the most of them when they arrive! In the meantime early variety ‘Popicot’ is in store now.

Raspberry News

Raspberries full of beautiful flavour, though classed as 2nds as they are perfectly ripe!  The supermarket requires that they be under-ripe to ‘survive the distance’.   So come to see us for raspberries,as they should be! 500g $11.99

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Did you know carrots were originally purple, and occasionally, yellow and white? In the late 16th century, Dutch farmers used mutant strains of the heirloom carrot, by crossing yellow and white ones, which gradually developed the common sweet orange carrot we have today.

Carrot colours

Carrot colours

We’ve come a long way, baby!

This is us, in 2006, when we flung open the roll-a-door to our first enthusiastic customers! Come and see us this weekend; what a transformation Anita and the team have created in the past 7 years.

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Thank you to all who entered our competition and congrats to the winners!

Facebook: Kelly Lawson Williams

Google+: Clare B

Twitter: Cobb & Hecht

Instagram: nadja_livingthegoodlife

To pick up your box of goodies, just let us know when you’re dropping by! 

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To celebrate the new Yarra Farm Fresh website, we have 4 yummy prize boxes to give away! It’s a bit of a treasure hunt with 3 easy steps.

You’ll find on Yarra Farm Fresh’s Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Instagram pages.

Look through our new website pages.
Find out ‘Who We Are‘ and share that page on your wall (making sure that your post is public so we can see it too).

Leave a comment on(retweet for Twitter) our competition pic from wherever you started Step#1.

  •  Improve your chances and do Steps1-3 for Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Instagram!
  • Winners will be announced 2 August 2014
  • One prize box per person and per social platform
  • You’ll need to be able to come pick up your prize or arrange for someone to come and collect it for you
  • Good Luck!
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We are famous!

A while ago we filmed a segment for Coxy’s Big Break and on Sunday 27th of July at 5.30 pm it goes to air. Watch out for us on Channel 7 before the News!

Yarra Farm Fresh – Sunday 27 July – 5.30 pm on Channel 7

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